Monday, 25 July 2016
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Russell Collins - C of L - Artist's Directory
Russell Collins - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Russell Collins:
First of all, if you see something on my site that you like, but you would like it changed in some way, maybe colour, composition or something else then please tell me. Maybe I can do it for you.
I was never really interested in art at school, more interested in the technical side of things which is probably why I choose a full time career as a Civil Engineer and a part time career as a Resererve Army Soldier. But, in 2011 I went to a Craft Fair in Milton Keynes and fell in love. I saw a guy named Paul Bryant painting and selling his beautiful paintings straight off the easel, I realised I had fallen in love with painting, not I hasten to add with Paul Bryant.
From that moment on, I started painting, I painted predominantly Landscapes, Seascapes, and Flowers and had some success in selling my paintings at Craft Fayres. I have a lot to catch up on (40 years worth to be precise) and want to learn and try as much as I can.
FineArtAmerica and Pixels has given me a second wind as it allows me to bring my skills to a wider audience and of course gives me the opportunity to sell my art and imagine it on the walls of customers around the world, I've a long way to go yet, but it is praise indeed when my 10 year old Daughter says to me 'You are getting better Daddy, not as good as the man in the video, but getting better'.
FYI, I spent 18 years in construction, with 11 years having a parallel career as a Reserve (formerly Territorial Army Sapper, NCO, and Officer with Commando Squadron, Field Squadron and Bomb Disposal, only leaving when I realised that I would never lead my Armoured Division through the gates of Moscow. For the last 16 years I have run my own business involved in Audience Interaction.

Milton Keynes, Bucks - United Kingdom
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Karen McKenzie McAdoo - C of L - Artist's Directory
Karen McKenzie McAdoo - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Karen McKenzie McAdoo:
A teacher, photographer, artist--Ms. McKenzie McAdoo keeps busy in the creative arts. Drawing, painting, photographing everything she comes across--Ms. Mac has taught the arts and communication classes for over 35 years. In her spare time (what there is of it!) she stays up late reading and watching too much television with her faithful companion and biggest critic, her cairn terrier Angus. Senior pictures, weddings, family shoots, and model shoots are her bread-and-butter, and she also works once in awhile for a local radio station. And any excuse to travel brings out the camera charger and she's off!
Karen McKenzie McAdoo's Impressions of London 2016 - Gallery

Ottawa, KS - United States
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Ian Good - C of L - Artist's Directory
Ian Good - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Ian Good:
Photographer, living near London in England, who loves to travel and capture the beauty of the world with a camera. Having grown up with film, I shoot mostly digital now and use various photographic and post processing techniques in the creation of my images, including long exposures and digital blending.

Hampshire - United Kingdom
Sandra Haney - C of L - Artist's Directory
Sandra Haney - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Sandra HaneyHi:
Thank you for looking.
I live in North East England, and work in a range of media including traditional paint, printmaking and also digital painting, using my iPad as a sketch book, my finger as a paintbrush..
Please contact me if you have any queries, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Durham - United Kingdom

Saturday, 16 July 2016
Inge Johnsson - C of L - Artist's Directory
Inge Johnsson - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Inge Johnsson:
I have been photographing the beauty of North America, its natural scenery and its cities, for more than 25 years. As you can tell from my portfolio, my travels have taken me to many parts of the United States as well as other locations around the world. My photographic work has won awards and has been published in several books, calendars and magazines such as Popular Photography, National Geographic Traveler, Smithsonian Magazine, and Texas Highways.
Originally from Sweden, in beautiful Scandinavia, I have lived in both Washington state and in North Texas, where I currently reside. I enjoy many types of photographic subjects and styles, but it is my love for landscape, nature and travel photography that really gets my creativity going. When exploring the world around me, I always try to capture the essence of the subject, especially in terms of time, place, textures, shapes, colors, and of course light!
I use Canon full frame DSLRs with a full range of L-series lenses, and touch up my digital captures in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop to recreate what I felt and saw when the capture was made, and to make the images ready for online and printed media.
My Images Do Not Belong To The Public Domain.
All images are copyright © Inge Johnsson.
All The Materials Contained May Not Be Reproduced, Copied, Edited, Published, Transmitted Or Downloaded in Any Way.
All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited.

Friday, 15 July 2016
Fred West - C of L - Artist's Directory
Fred West - C of L - Artist's Directory

About Fred West:
My name is Fred West and I am a full time Civil servant working in England.
I am a Glass Painter who has glass paintings in 21 countries and took up photography to take pictures of the art work I did.
I am 66 years old and a few years ago went from a bridge camera to a DSLR and now have a Canon 550D. 18mp Camera.
I started to take the camera with me where ever I would be going and then also bought a few more lens to go with the camera.
I try to aim for taking landscapes and also love macro photos, as you will see from some of the work I have exhibited.

Coventry - United Kingdom
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